"Voyage" . 50cm by 60cm . €1950 .
Available at The Lavit Gallery , see www.thelavitgallery.com for online purchase .
Available at The Lavit Gallery , see www.thelavitgallery.com for online purchase .
"Roche's Point" oil on canvas 25cm by 30cm €785 , Available at The Gallery Kinsale , visit www.thegallerykinsale.com for online purchase .
"Martello" oil on canvas 25cm by 30cm €875 .
Available : Enquiries email [email protected]
Available : Enquiries email [email protected]
"The Sea" oil on canvas 60cm by 80cm $2,200
Available : Enquiries e-mail : [email protected]
Available : Enquiries e-mail : [email protected]
"Voyage" oil on canvas 25cm by 30cm €785 , Available at The Gallery Kinsale see www.thegallerygallerykinsale.com for online purchase .
"The Fastnet" oil on canvas 50cm by 60cm . €1850 . Available at The Lavit Gallery , visit www.thelavitgallery.com for online purchase
"Moonlit Cove" oil on canvas 30cm by 40cm €1,100 . Available at The Lavit Gallery , see www.thelavitgallery.com for online purchase .
"To the open seas" oil on canvas 45cm by 55cm €1,700 Available . Enquiries : e-mail at [email protected]

"Sea Mist" oil on canvas 30cm by 25cm . €900 . Available. Enquiries e-mail at [email protected]